MRSP Main Site












MRSP  membership is open to all who are committed to the technological advancement of mechatronics and robotics in the Philippines including elementary, high school and college students, professionals and industry practitioners, institutions and enterprises. 

Linkages among the education, industry and government sectors is strengthened through research and development education and training, certification and accreditation, promotion and advocacy, exhibits and competitions.

- Participate in National and International    -Mechatronics and  Robotics Olympiad
-Participate in International/National
-Avail of promotional products
-Avail of summer camp training
-Avail of technical assistance in project planning
-Avail of technical assistance for core competency development and national certification
-Avail of subscriptions for magazines, journals and newsletters
-Recommendation for local and foreign employment and training; etc.


Annual Membership Fees:
Elementary & High         P100.00           
School Students                                
(Science/Technology Club Member)

College Students         P200.00
Professionals/Industry   P300.00        Practitioners/Scientists/                               Engineers/Researchers/
Skilled Workers/Technicians
Institution/Enterprise         P2,000.00

**Download the MRSP applcation form here

Board of Trustees
Philip Marvin D. Joven, REE, MS
Celso B. Co, RECE, MSECE, Phd
Manolo Santos, BS, MS
Renato P. Nuguid, RME
Mel Vicencio, RME

© 2007 DLSU Chapter- Mechatronics and Robotics Society of the Philippines
*flash animation borrowed from MRSP site